Crispy Fried Smelt Fish
(4 Servings)
• Smart Choice香魚16安士
• 麵粉1/2杯
• 粟粉 1/8杯
• 鹽1/8茶匙
• 蒜粉1/8茶匙
• 胡椒粉1/8茶匙
• 油適量
• 8oz Smart Choice Smelt Fish (Silverside)
• 1/2 cup flour
• 1/8 cup cornstarch
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1/8 teaspoon pepper
• Cooking oil
1. 將香魚解凍,清洗乾淨抹乾水;
2. 在一大碗內把麵粉、粟粉、鹽、蒜粉及胡椒粉調勻。把香魚放入混合麵粉中使魚身完全被覆蓋;
3. 取一 燒鍋放入約2寸油,用中火燒熱;
4. 輕輕搖動已上粉的香魚,把多餘的炸粉晃掉,然後放入熱油中炸約3-5分鐘,或至魚成金黃色及香脆;
5. 把魚取出放在漏架上去掉多餘油份;趁熱享用。
1. Defrost the smelt fish, wash, drain and dried with towel.
2. In a bowl, combine flour, cornstarch, salt, garlic powder and pepper. Dredge smelt fish in flour mixture to completely coat.
3. In a pot over medium heat, heat about 2-inch deep of oil.
4. Shaking off excess flour from the fish and add into the heated oil, and deep-fry for about 3 to 5 minutes or until golden and crisp.
5. Remove the fish from heat and drain in a colander set over a bowl. Serve hot.